Mr. & Mrs.

I know this is elementary for many of you, but it required a "happy dance" when I accomplished it.  You might recognize Iblis from a pastel value study I did of him back in June, I think.  Well in GIMP I combined Iblis with another photo of a female lioness that I have been wanting to do.  I found a really good YouTube video that used the eraser for getting rid of the background and boy was that easier than cutting around her.  I kind of like the two different effects of B&W and color together, (actually thought about doing it that way) but hubby said too distracting.

Since I have one in color and one in B&W I am doing this pre-painting study in graphite to get a good strong value study and I can utilize a limited palette when I go to color.   This is being done on a piece of mat board that is kind of bright orange which is kind of the body color of a lion.  But for some reason the camera isn't picking this up.  Maybe if we ever warm  up I can get a sun picture that should show it.

Again, I had heard a podcast that talked about the importance of doing a value study before you do a picture.  Always one to get at it, I thought that would take all the enthusiam away to predo a picture (will see if that is true).   However, what it really is supposed to do is help you work through any issues, determine a value map, determine a palette, etc.  It also helps you gain confidence to be freer when you are actually working on the painting.

Once this study is completed, I am thinking I will do them with pastel on velour paper.  I haven't used velour paper for many years so that will be a challenge.  The velour takes and holds the pastel so differently than regular paper or sanded paper.  My remembrance is what goes down stays and blending wasn't possible.   Whoa, I may need to rethink this.  Hmmm about about acrylic?   NOT
 But I have seen some artists that do such lovely work velour it is calling me like a sea siren.  Because it is like working on velvet you have to stay looser, and I think that less detail would be a good thing.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you had a great weekend and tomorrow is Monday, sorry..... 


hmuxo said…
This is coming along SO beautifully, Nelvia...I'm anxious to see your next post.
I've worked with velour paper and painting animals on it is so beautiful because you can almost feel the fur....and yes, the only problem that I find is like you said ..once you put it down it's hard to erase....the trick is to go slowly and lightly but the results are breathtaking!!!

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