Snuggle Buddies WIP

These adorable lion cubs are from a shot by Glennis Weston.  Glennis not only can take wonderful photos, but she is also a superb artist, just one of the many inspiring folks at Paint My Photo.

Anyway, been a while since I worked on velour paper with pastel, so am giving it a go again and I have to remember the technique I kind of like is more scumbling than strokes.  Only thing about the velour is that it doesn't blend and if you go over with another color it tends to cover the subtle below colors.  I am really glad I took this shot as I now have some clarification of what I couldn't see in the photo of what might be happening behind the bottom cub's head, so think I have it in my mind now and am going to just do my thing and see how it falls.  I have taught myself to work off of the ipad for reference photos and not print them out any more, but with this being off kilter it is causing me a bit of an issue, will be glad to get to the guy who is more upright.  I think it is going to be fun working on these guys.  Don't you just love babies!!!

I get all charged up as I have been watching YouTube videos again and got plenty of new ideas. 

I also am starting my larger elephant picture and getting ready to put on the modeling paste for more parts of his body, so hope my little study is going to pay off dividends.  I have some new ideas on just how to apply that stuff so cross your fingers.  So pictures of how that's coming will be hitting the airwaves in a couple of days. 

Thanks much for stopping by and hope  you are having a great week.


hmuxo said…
I'm trying my best to catch up with everyone's paintings, Nelvia! This one is going to be another winner! I love your previous pieces'....especially the Hawk and the sunset is lovely!
Louisette said…
Lovely pastel , greeting from Belgium in Mons
Nelvia said…
Thanks Hilda, good to,have you back in action. Shoot you a note off line
Nelvia said…
Hi Louisette, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a nic comment. We too celebrate Bastile Day with mussels and frites. Looking at your site and trying to figure out how to read and leave message. Lots going on there

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