King of the Mountain

                                                                 King of the Mountain
This week has been an interesting week, not only doing the color charts but also trying to start to apply them.  Here is an acrylic piece that I took a bit of literary license with - trying to learn that it is ok to do that you don't have to be a slave to what you see in real life or photos.  Originally he is in a grassy area, so I looked for mountain type backdrops - have to google as I have no imagination when to comes to backgrounds.  Found some mountains I thought I could paint but didn't like the color, but blocked it in anyway.  So all of a sudden was looking at my wallpaper for computer screen and it is mountains and I like the colors for sun and shadows - so voila change the dull to something I think is a bit more spiffy.  Also lightened the tree line so it stands out a bit closer and hopefully looks like sun is hitting the ridge.
Did the fore ground rocks with a palette knife, but couldn't get the mountains to look right using eh knife, (ok I even watched videos and failed) so back to brush there - have a worn out filbert that I just love to scumble with.
When we were out West these sheep, like the elk, were supposed to be plentiful and easy to spot - NOT.  So never saw one in real life but had a wonderful reference photos from PMP and photographer Eloise Mace.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a super week.


Meredith Adler said…
Hi Nelvia, I see I am behind on your blog, but I am also wow'd by all the good work you are doing--color charts and working through that drawing book (I started it this summer, maybe you will inspire me to pick it up again :)

To answer your question on my blog, yes we got a lot of snow, but it's all melted, but expecting a new round of snow and ice tomorrow!
hmuxo said…
He definitely looks like the King of the mountain, Nelvia. I love the way you painted the mountain...nice work!!!

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