Well, not to get shut out with a week of not posting.  Here is the beginnings of my kiwi that is part of the PADT challenge for this month.  First I edited the drawing a bit (you can see what I ended up with on the upper right)  and moved the front piece closer into the whole section so I could do this painting as a smaller footprint since I knew it was going to be mostly colored pencil and that is slower.   But it is going to end up being a combination of media - started some areas with a marker base, then added colored pencil and topped it off with pastel.  You can see the one piece is pretty much on it's way to completion but over all the picture is definitely in its ugly stage.  Since this is pretty much an experiment it will be just as interesting to me, as I hope it is for you, to see what I actually end up with and if I can salvage this.


renate said…
Hai Nelvia:) You're making it an pro painting out of this one! Nice to see how you build it up. Knowing you it's going to be perfect! I haven't started yet, but I will participate!
Good luck:)
sidmar said…
Looking good already, would love to see it finished.

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