What a difference a week can make, am hoping that things will settle down, and they did enough to get started on another painting. 
You all overwhelmed me in really liking the picture of koi fish that I posted last week, the most viewing of anything I have ever posted.  Seems the color and the movement did what the author of the article I read said it would and it really communicated with the viewer.  So I am at it again and trying to see if I can pull together an original watercolor composition that will have as much punch in it for color, movement and action.  Doing this again on the watercolor canvas, you can see how much color it sucks up, but it lifts easily and allows you to add multiple layers and layers seems to be my thing no matter what the media.  This will not only have the fish moving (I hope - actually the star is a beautiful white koi) but will also have reflections that make a diagonal across the picture itself.   Not entirely sure yet how I am going to make that look water like, think it will be using  gouache, the opaque water color.  Out on a limb here but am hopeful.  Even if it doesn't come out I know there will be lots of learning in this experiment.
While this drama plays out I have found a beautiful eagle picture that I just have to do, so will do that maybe will try the drafting film with color pencil again, or end up doing on Stonehenge paper which a lot of color pencil artists use.
Hope you all have a great week painting and thanks for stopping by.


It looks like you are off to a great start.
Happy Painting!
hmuxo said…
I love to see the work progression of a painting, Nelvia and this looks to me like a beautiful beginning. I think watercolor is a very difficult medium ..which I can't do but enjoy seeing it so much...I look forward to seeing your next post.
renate said…
Dear Nelvia:) You gave me a big smile!! Such positive words in your post. And you are exploring! I love that. I can't wait to see this painting finished and can't wait to see your eagle. Will watercolors going to be your "thing"? I wish you a lot of joy with the watercolors and you will fall in love with them, just as I did:)!
I really miss you! Big hugs:)xxx
Nelvia said…
Always fun. We are supposed to get snow too so Spring isn't too close. Glad my playing around got rid of the qualifier, hate those too.
Nelvia said…
Thanks for the comments and will post one of my pastels just for you.
Nelvia said…
Hey Sweetie, aren't you getting my emails? Will try again tonight. Doubt that watercolor will be my thing, it right now it is faster and I like the canvas because I don't have to stretch it or tape it, can paint and just put a book on top of it to flatten it. :)
Rita Vaselli said…
Cara Nelvia,tardi
ma anche io arrivo!
Che bella serie di nuovi lavori dedicati alle carpe koi! Sono un simbolo forte di buona salute e di longevità in giappone! Io spero che sia così!
Un grande abbraccio da Rita.
Rita Vaselli said…
Dear Nelvia, late  but I come!
What a beautiful series of new works dedicated to the Koi! They are a powerful symbol of good health and longevity in Japan! I hope so!A big hug from Rita.I made a mistake copying from my translator ...
Nelvia said…
Know how much you are dealing with in catching up so appreciate lots your thoughts.can't wait until I get enough in for you to judge if you see the motion.

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