The Dancers

                                                                      The Dancers
Thank you Val for reminding me you don't have to be a slave to the reference.  I could never make the figure in front of the closest girl read correctly, hence the saddle bags, but AI think taking it out really made no difference to the picture and really cleaned it up.
Thanks again to Linda Willason for the fantastic shot of I believe her daughter's group of ballerinas.  This was fun to paint and really ended up with little painting, but did spend quite of time on the color and back of the ballerina closest to the viewer trying to get the representation of musculature.  This really was a fun piece and I have to admit I am partial to the dark background (it is easy too as backgrounds aren't my strongest suit).
Have selected another old Master for my next project, Winslow Homer.  Anyone who knows him will know I am out of my element, as he does water, so...... we'll see how that goes.
Thanks much for stopping by and have a great weekend.


Jane said…
Ahh this is pretty, wonderful depth and great light as well as the work on the front ballerina's back ! xx
Oh Well done! I am glad my comment helped.
hmuxo said…
Outstanding piece Nelvia! I love the transparency in her outfit! You're amazing!
Nelvia said…
This just captured my attention, lived the light and color. I was flying blind,on the shadow skin colors because of course the photo was just black, but loved how it turned out,
Nelvia said…
Val I so much appreciate the second set of eyes, as you know we get blind after working on something for a while, it sure helps to reaches.
Nelvia said…
Oh thanks Hilda, I love the transparency too and let me tell you I think it is only because I could thin down to,really thin acrylic, it also helped that it is thalo green which is already transparent. Just a little dry brush of white over the top and got,the effect I was looking for.

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