Wave Runner

                                                                  Wave Runner
We had another gray rainy day yesterday and I was edgy all day.  I felt like I should be doing something important, but didn't know what it was.  I was coming off another picture high, Sunbeam, and kind of felt that down after you had something succeed to your vision.  So I went and downloaded several photos from PMP and I ran across this picture.  When I am at loose ends I usually pull out my trusty pastels.  I had given myself the gift of two pads of Mi-Tientes papers, grays and colors so I pulled it out and went to work.  A couple of hours later here is the result.
What is my quandary you might ask?  Surprising to me I had a tremendous reaction to this picture when I put it on my Facebook page.  Why?  I thought it was a simple, fun little piece.  But people who usually don't ever comment did.  So my question is how do you figure out why a piece connects, or works, so that you can do it again?
Is it:
1)  The subject
2)  The colors
3)  the technique
4)  The composition
5)  That you just had fun and didn't overwork - does that show through do you think?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little guy because I think he ran all the way down the beach yelling at top volume.  This is Ro Lovelock's grandson, Ro of PMP and her son-in-law took the picture.  Thanks much to both of them.  Will be fun to see the reaction I get when it gets posted in my online gallery.
Thanks for looking and if you comment  your thoughts it would be appreciated.


hmuxo said…
Fantastic painting Nelvia!!! The word that pops up is realism....the water looks wet and I love the reflections in the water of the little boy! Your work is amazing my friend!!!
This is charming Nelvia. I think the great reaction to it is based on the composition/subject matter. The child is basically anonymous so it is easy for people to remember themselves, their child or grandchild doing the same thing. It evokes loving memories. The fact that it is well done is a bonus. Good job!
Nelvia said…
Thanks for taking a look. I also appreciate the thoughts and hope to be able to do this again some time!! How are you feeling - full range yet and did they kick you loose from therapy?
Nelvia said…
Thanks much Val. I hope to finally figure this out a bit, but I like the idea that "it could be me or mine" Kind of a universal thing. Much appreciated. How is your class idea coming?
Helen said…
love, Love, LOVE this one! A toddler from the back just tells such a story... much more than if we saw his face! And I too wonder what it is that makes certain pieces connect. Maybe you answered the question. The answer to #1-#5... all yes. :)

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