Pinterest Pinning Adventures in Social Media

What is Pinterest?

First off the potential for subject matter is limitless, it can be about art, redecorating, health, recipes, fashion, fitness, etc.  anything that you like or think about, somebody has said something about it.  It's opinions with images.

- It is an online board.  Your boards (collections of like pins/repins) hold and categorize things that interest you.  There is a personal or business account which provides you access to analytics about who's looking at your boards.  You can start with a personal account and covert to a business later on if you choose.
- It is like a bookmarking site (holding the posts, descriptions remind you why you liked, and with directions on how to get back there to read original subject matter again)
- It is visual, as a  matter of fact you can't just post text, you always have to have an image to create a post.
- Your post is called a pin.
- If you save (like as in Facebook) someone else's pin it is called a repin.  Repining here is a compliment, not plagiarism.  People want their posts to be repined because then more and different people are seeing your pin, or in this case, your art.
- When you choose to follow someone, you follow all their boards or you can selectively unfollow things that don't interest you
- Yesterday's question is why did I verify my blog account with Pinterest?   I just switched to a business account because I wanted to see analytics of my boards.  Again, who is interested and in what stuff or subjects.  Between FASO analytics, Google Analytics and Pinterest I should have a pretty broad base to determine who is my target audience.  Also I can see if a Pinterest person goes to my blog.  Today's thing in social media is to cross pollinate people between various tools: Instagram, blog, websites, twitter, Facebook - to be seen.

Since I have now engaged my analytics next time will be about what's happened between when I  "got started" versus when I did nothing with this tool. is my board profile, check it out, thanks for stopping by.

            Creativity is a combination of discipline and child like spirit - Robert Greene


Joan Tavolott said…
You explained Pinterest so that it makes a bit more sense to me. Thanks!
My word but you are working hard on all this. I will be checking out your board or page. Maybe I need to switch to business too. Thanks for the update and info, Nelvia. Have a great day.

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