Nebula I

Well am working on a space scene, using acrylics, a nebula that is formed primarily by dust and gases.  There are just fabulous photos of outer space galaxies and the colors and shapes are quite extraordinary.  I don't think there is any wrong way to do a nebula, it is just learning how to get various strokes and as always with acrylics, add layers until you get when you want.   Actually I think it will be great learning on how to use a brush, different parts of the brush, to get different effects.

Ok, this isn't completed, but I wanted to show it as I am about to perform an experiment and I wanted a picture of what it looked like before, in case it doesn't turn out as I expected.  I am going to put my first star layer in and then try to utilize my transparent white.  I want to mix that white with other transparent colors to see if I can come up with realistic skin tones and then superimpose a portrait over the top of the nebula background.  You see how in the middle I sort of have a cleared space that could support skin tones, that's where the portrait will go.  I know you can do it with photographs, but not sure if it will work with paints.  I sort of want some of the background to show through in parts of the face, hair and neck area as well as dust stars over the portrait to further tie it in.  I see it in my head, but can I get it on paper?  That is the question.

I have had a picture humming around in my head for over 10 years now and need that type of technique as I think that is the solution to making that picture work.  Actually I have a series all designed if I can get past how to make it work as one picture and not two separate images in a picture.  So fingers crossed.

So the experiment will go on today and you may or may not see the results as I might have to trash and start over once again.   Oh well, that is certainly how you learn.  If it works, once I get the portrait in I will finish my nebula.


hmuxo said…
This is going to be so interesting Nelvia! You're always willing to learn a little more!!! This piece is I look forward to the next step.
Joan Tavolott said…
I love how you are so willing to experiment and try something different. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can get the result you want!
Sheila said…
Thanks for showing the before, and fingers crossed your experiment goes well. But if not, at least you will know what not to do the next time. LOL Have fun!
Nelvia said…
Oh what a wonderful comment, you have encouraged me a lot, I am glad the power comes through. I have to try several more of these spac scenes, it is so immense and mysterious.
Nelvia said…
Am not sure if it is smart or not but sometimes I just want to see if I can get it,out of the head to paper. Drives me,crazy when I see others who can. Thank you for the positives vibes coming my way
Nelvia said…
I guess yiu call it looking for a positive as I like it before I might ruin it. Really like the colors and shaps in this one. Yep I have many examples on what not to do, but forget them and repeat. What is that definition of insanity I Think!

This sounds like a fascinating painting - I look forward to seeing it finished - good luck!

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