Snow and Weaving

 Ok, so you have to understand we live in the South, pretty far in the South, and so for us what is a dusting for most of you, is quite the event here in Atlanta.  We had about 8", the most I have ever seen since we lived here.  When you don't have to go out it is quite beautiful.  Even though this was a really wet snow it looked light and lovely coming down.   It snowed starting Friday morning and went into Saturday morning, so it was of long duration.  The only bad news was the trees came down and so did the power.   We were very lucky in comparison to others in the area as our power came back on Saturday.

So what does one do when they have to go on "device" withdrawal.  One puts on lots of warm clothes and gets out one of those unfinished projects.  Since it had gotten cooler here I had gotten busy again on my weaving.   I was fortunate enough several years ago to go to the Folk Art Center in Asheville on weaving day.  One of the Souths best artistic free-style weavers is Sandy Adair and she attended that day.   She explained how to build a hand loom, and even I was able to do it, and then it is a matter of drawing up the design and just practicing to get the tension correct.  It becomes especially textural due to the different sizes and types of yard used.  Since then I have done 3 pieces.  This particular piece, well, the idea came from a film that is at the visitors center.  I loved the idea of the really red sky that I decided will blend into purple, gray and navy.  It is funny that each time I work a weaving I learn  more and this time as you can see instead of working straight across, like you would with a traditional loom, I am working in sections and thinking that keeps me better so I don't produce so many gaps (where I skip a stitch and you see the weft (base string) come through)

Below is my gallery of some of the snow pictures.  I drew the line at making a snow man, the kids a couple houses away took care of that.   But I did shovel the driveway to try to minimize the ice issues.  Well, let me tell you I found some muscles I didn't know I had - that is really hard work.  But my reward was that I saw about 600 cranes fly low and pretty much over our house.  They are really in peak migration now going to North Florida.  I am sure that all the white on the ground confused them as it isn't supposed to be here.  They are so funny when they go into the kettle and just fly around until someone takes command and they form up the Vs and take off again.

Thanks for stopping by and have a super week.

Isn't it interesting it was so dark and dreary gray that the first pics almost look black and white, and the last is the next day after the clouds cleared out, just look at that blue sky!!


We have no snow.....too funny.
Love how your weaving is coming along.
Sheila said…
Loved the post. I have always wanted to try weaving. One of these days. But glad to hear even a newbie can start easily. Love the photos. Those pointy trees with the curl (from snow I imagine) look very Whoville. LOL. Enjoy Nelvia ;)
hmuxo said…
Beautiful post Nelvia....amazing weaving project...I can't imagine the patience you need to accomplish this!!!! Lol. It looks like you had more snow than we did here in New York. I'm used to this weather .sigh!!! However I'm looking forward to the first day of Spring..ALREADY!!!!
Jane said…
Quite a lot of snow though and looking good too, maybe some inspiration for a future painting ?
Wow! you weave too! The piece looks fabulous and I hope you post it when it is finished. Too strange that you , way down south, have snow and we, in the north, have none and none in the forecast. Super pics Nelvia - stay warm and safe!
Joan Tavolott said…
That weaving is so lovely!!! I'm glad you had some unexpected "down time" to work on it. I would love to see it when it is finished. My brother, who is in Kennesaw, posted photos of their 6 inches of snow. I think he won the family contest of who had the most snow from this storm. We only had about 2 very wet inches near me, but more a bit north. I don't mind it if I don't have to go out and drive in it.
Nelvia said…
The weather is getting so strange. I am hopeful that this year might be the year get this done. When Spring hits it gets to hot to have it on my lap. So got to buckle down. Would rather do it with the power on though.
Nelvia said…
Oh I highly recommend it Sheila. It isn't very hard to build a loom and then you can do any sizes that you wish. It is very relaxing to do.
Nelvia said…
Not sure it is patience, probably more like needing to keep those hands busy. I do like a lot free weaving, where I get to do the design and I am not having to follow someone else's directions. That way no one knows where there is a goof. Yes, at this point it is hard to remember we get 90s and 100s.
Nelvia said…
I have to admit this was a pretty one, totally unexpected. But before it starts to met and get dirty it is quite a sight to behold. Hmmm maybe a picture there.
Nelvia said…
Well if I have anything to say about it I will be sending the snow your way. I know you need and depend on it for the water. Yes the climate is definitely messed up either naturally or with our help. All the stuff we have done over the years has to catch up with us eventually.
Nelvia said…
I will post it when it is done and hope that we are not all in our 80s. I don't know why I sort of quite on it for a while. Kind of like I just can't get started painting again. Weird brain I guess.

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