Fortune Teller WIP acrylic portrait

Well I have spent quite a few days on this face. changing, tweaking and still see more that I want to do on it.  But again, that is the blessing of acrylic, it loves all the layers.  The more layers the smoother it gets.   I do also notice however, that when it gets tougher I start to feel my enthusiasm deteriorate and I really don't want to get painting cause I feel it is so hopeless.  But, always got to remember you go through many ugly stages and hopefully with the next brush of color, you will start to get something better.  Also got to remember to stop, step back.  Watched an English portrait artist yesterday who trained in Italy and he would walk back to the same spot, mix or measure and then walk up and put on one stroke of color.  Then proceed to do the same thing again for the next stroke.  So moral is, no stop isn't what it is all about.  (Just as an aside, I was relieved to see that that artist didn't get an exact likeness, got a lot, but actually made the model look better)  Hmmmmm!!

Decided to get more color into this picture so I can then determine what I want to do with the skin tones as there should be some reflected colors of the red and golds that are in her dress and scarf.

Been trying to figure out why I feel compelled to paint the fortune teller, well got to tell you a true story.  Even growing up parochial schools I always had a pretty open mind.  I think I always have had a bit of "new ager" in little old conservative me.  Where I lived for a few years they had a antique market and every year a friend and I had our fortunes/cards read on the 4th of July.   We would take notes for each other because there always was so much said that you couldn't take it all in.  When I was getting ready to relocate for a job change we went the last time and as I was walking away from my reading the fortune teller called to me and told me I was going to get married again.  Yeah!!! sure.  She then said come back and proceeded to tell me that I was going to relocate, (never told her that) and at some point in about a year or so, in the Fall, I was going to meet a professional guy with salt and pepper hair.  Well she missed about the time frame, but sure enough the rest turned out to happen and be true.  Never sure whether they plant the seeds in your head or if some really can tell what might happen.  But I think it is a great story.   So I say it is time again to thank the fortune teller for 35 years of happy.

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look at this WIP.


Helen said…
You've written two pieces of excellent advice or reminders.
1st - You go through many ugly stages and hopefully with the next brush of color, you will start to get something better.
2nd - Also got to remember to stop, step back.
Joan Tavolott said…
I love the way this is progressing!!! I love the harmonious colors you are using in the scarf...they fit the rest of the painting perfectly. Please don't get discouraged and stop...this will be worth the work.
She is looking pretty good Nelvia. I don't paint people very much because Idon't have the patience to get the faces right but I can understand your frustration. Hang in there and I am sure you will get the look you want. You are getting some super detail on the scarf.Regarding your story - the world moves in mysterious ways and I am sure there are vibes out there that some people pick up on - happy 35 years!
Sheila said…
Looks great so far. Loved your story too :)

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