Color Wheel - sort of

Well here is a finished color mixing wheel that I have worked on - finally starting to get more formal in my art education (about time).  Anyway this is using a limited number of colors that I actually own (didn't want to go and buy something new) and getting the tints, shadows and grays.  I started by using the palette recommendation of Margaret Kessler for Munsell base and also edited a bit by Stapleton Kearnes.  There are sections where there are no specific colors mentioned on my Munsell reference wheel so I guessed at the complement and it seemed to work.  Overall it was a good exercise and I am really pleased that the colors turned out so fresh and clear - no mud - which was the point.  I now have a plan check colors in use prior to putting on the canvas. So now the next phase is to begin to put it in use and I have an idea of painting something for Paul as the first trial piece.  It seems odd not to have some colors I usually use on the palette, yellow ochre and burnt sienna for instance, but you are supposed to be able to mix everything from the colors that are on the palette.    Many people use this limited palette at least for a good trial time and say you learn more about color because you have to be resourceful and mix it.  Indeed you can, just a matter of not being lazy I guess.  But I think since I alreay have an easy source for those colors I am going to try to sneak in a few of those already prepared colors onto the palette and use them while I am in the painting flow. 
Who is going to check - are there palette police??

Thanks for stopping by and hoping you are having a great painting weekend.


Love the comment about the palette police...have fun!!
Nelvia said…
Hey C, got to get a little humor in here somehow so we don't take it too seriously. Just painting here, right Grandma??? I would love to paint her when she gets bigger you know.

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