Golden Eagle - Paint with Depth

Well this is the beginning of my scratchboard experiment.  And wow, do I see that the board ever picks up plenty of marks, am going to have to figure out that part of things as it needs to be black for this picture.  I am using the acetate cover sheet to keep my hand off of it, but when I wipe with the sock I get streaks. 
I finally got the eagle's proportions right, drew two pictures on Sunday,and boy even though I wanted to draw large, but it was way toooooo large - no, don't need a 2" eye staring right at you.  Next step was to watch 13 ten-minute videos, from WetCanvas library, they also have a group dedicated to scratchboard art, on how various artists approached scratchboard.  Then, no more excuses, even though I don't have a clue I am doing I am on to the scratching.  Then because I am impatient I am coloring in as well.   I am using Prismacolor marker ink instead of mixing the Ampersand inks, they say you can also use color pencil to knock back the white of the clay, so might give that a try as well.  But just figuring out the scratching is enough of a challenge let alone doing color mixing.  For whatever reason they say, and I am finding it true, that this is very relaxing.  Go figure.

                                        QUICK GUIDE TO PAINTING DEPTH

Make colors more intense in the foreground and less intense in the background
Cool your colors as they recede into the distance
In the distance, make your value change less distinct (light colors become darker and dark colors become lighter)
Avoid similar values that create flatness. Diverse values create space.
Make objects progressively smaller as they recede into the distance
Make objects less distinctive in the background by simplifying the details and softening edges
Overlap objects to step into the distance
Use linear perspective (converging lines) to imply depth
Use division of planes (foreground, middle ground and background)
Use thick paint in the foreground

Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great week - hang on, almost TGIF


Nancy Goldman said…
This is looking really good. I've never tried scratch board but I've always liked the look.
hmuxo said…
I have never worked with scratch looks very challenging but interesting ...
I see it all the time in Blick's and always wondered how you work with it....I love the eye of the Eagle...Wonderful work, Nelvia!!!
Nelvia said…
Hi Nancy, I am kind of feeling my way, problem I have now is the ink leaves a film which catches a glare. So this support is definitely different Took a vacation today but back at it tomorrow . Too early to know if I will like it.
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, need to get by to leave a note on your man in the park - beautiful. It is interesting, a question is always how much to take off. Good news is you can take the ink back to almost white. Going to buy a big bottle of black India ink too. Right now mostly using the tip of an exacto knife. Know next time to use Ampersand ink as markers get gooey, so might switch as I go into the feathers

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