L'Ermitage est fini & Greens in daylight

L'Ermitage Poster
Acrylic on paper

Got it finished and not a moment too soon, tomorrow is the day when hubby gets a surprise.  He has seen it in progress and liked it so hoping I won't get a surprise.  Am happy with it, was harder than I originally thought with all of the cutting in.  I think I touched up and repainted the borders several times before I thought they were as straight as I could get them.  Stayed true to the limited palette and didn't have a problem finding a color mix using those colors for anything that I wanted.  In real life I really like the dress as I used a double loaded brush, dab method, and got a lot of texture in the green,  it is a light green with yellow, not a solid lime green. 
My other goal of making notes?   Well I did so-so on that one.  At times wished I would have done better because if I had to go back to make a mix, it certainly made it easier.  So something I will try to work on as I got forward.  I definitely need a better method to my madness though and want to come up with some standard format so I can use it across all media.
As for the print at the bottom, I typed it into a spreadsheet, blew it up to the highest font on my computer and changed fonts - unfortunately didn't have a font that matches the poster, so got as close as I could.  It looks a little light and should have been bolder now that I see it on the computer, but ... I can live with it.
Going to frame it and call it a day.
                                                            GREEN IN DAYLIGHT
Sunrise:  add Lemon Yellow (I am using Cadmium Yellow Light)
Morning Light:  add Cadmium Yellow Medium and/or Cadmium Yellow Deep - You could also start with a wash of Lemon Yellow.  Since it is dominant it will unite all the colors as you go forward.  If you want to tone it down a bit, add a touch of Yellow Ochre. 
Noon and afternoon: add Yellow Ochre and oranges - remember light source is important, for high noon keep it light because colors are bleached out and paint top of foliage warmer and lighter than at the bottom of the tree foliage
Sunset: add red-oranges, Grumbacher Red and Quinacridone Red - tone your canvas with the Cad Red Lt, the closer it is to dusk the cooler the wash should be.  Be sure to modify your greens - should have red/orange tones but not look like a bright autumn tree
Twilight:  add reds and Cadmium Red Deep (AHH vampire colors)  earthy red become dominant.  Be sure to dull the intensity of greens with it's complement, reds  Should be a quiet mood, muted colors and you won't see details like you do in sunlight
Dusk:  add Cadmium Red Deep, Dioxazine Purple and Ultramarine Blue.  Fog at night and fog in the morning, morning has yellowish grays and evening fog has red-grays and blue-grays.  Fog is dense humidity, so bright colors are muted, can't see details and the tree tops usually disappear.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great painting week.


Nancy Goldman said…
This turned out great Nelvia! I know your hubby is going to love it.
hmuxo said…
You finished this beautifully, Nelvia! Gorgeous colors.. YES, your husband will love it.
Yes I think hubby is going to love it.
Happy spring!!!
Jane said…
Fantastic work Nelvia , how could somebody not love this ?!

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