Golden Eagle Update

The scratching continues.  I have switched to using Bombay India Ink brown for the feather work, adding in some marker color, but find that the markers get too gummy.  The clayboard doesn't absorb the marker ink as well, it sits on top and then if you add another layer it moves what is already down.  Have added some water to the ink and find that it changes the color somewhat from brown to gray, so went back and am going to have to dilute it much less.  I guess I still need to get the Ampersand inks out and give them a try before I get this piece finished. 
Also finding that the ink on top of the black India ink creates a glaze that causes a glare when light hits it, so have to be real precise in how to photo and when you look at it, don't know if when I frame (do you frame these?) if that would help the glare issue.  Also am going to get some black India ink, hoping tomorrow, and plan to go over the background once finished to see if I can get rid of the nicks and scratches and places that shine because I wiped with the sock,the markers and pens that I have aren't the precise shade of black and that leaves another kind of mark.  The trials and errors go on.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great weekend.


hmuxo said…
I can see that this will be a slow process but the results are really good, Nelvia! I love what you have done under his eye...excellent color... I'm enjoying the process!!!

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