Red Tail Hawk WIP

Ok, so what started as a bit of a rest and focus turned on other things, then getting really nasty sick, turned into a full out slump.  I just got where nothing interested me or jump started my motor to get into the art room.
So how great is our mind??  I think I have mentioned before I am a voracious reader, everything from Smithsonian magazines on politics, art, literature and science to James Patterson and Nora Roberts.  Yes I am a huge fan of Nora's I think she just writes an interesting read and I like that she does a series of books, so you learn about the characters.
So, you might ask, what does this have to do with this hawk?  Well, the book I am currently reading has hawks involved, and we have three different hawks that frequent our yard, two Shin and one Red Tail Hawk.  They are just magnificent creatures even though I know they chase my birds.  But I neither have the camera or ability to capture them in a photo that would be good enough for this kind of a reference.  Enter my Paint my Photo site, which has just moved to, and is getting better than ever.  This beautiful shot is from Angela Calabrese and has gotten me at least motivated enough to spend a couple of hours working today singing along with Irish music on Pandora, also out of Nora's book as the setting is Ireland.
This is on 8"x10" beige mat board and I will be working it in color pencil and probably incorporating some graphite and pastel into it as well to try to achieve what I am hoping to get.  But boy, this is like running, when you stop it is painful to get back into the habit and stride and yes, my skills diminished when I wasn't using them every day.  Oh well, get back on the horse, as "they" say.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.


I know the books you are talking about as I am a Nora Roberts fan too. My problem is that reading her books doesn't encourage me to paint but to read the next book - lol.

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