Quote Project

 For a while now I have been trying to get back into the daily drawing mode (Joan T, you inspired me here!!).  I kind of gave up drawing that wasn't connected to something I was painting.  Drawing is a good skill to develop as it really helps your overall work.

I have also wanted to do something that could give back  But I am not a patient person and don't think I'm "volunteer" material since I don't want to be committed or have to do things any more.  I have thought a bit about cartooning too, so thought using my artwork, might make people feel good and smile for a few seconds.  Well, I think I found a solution that combines both things.   Thought I'd start, at least several times a week, doing a sketch with some quote and then post to my Facebook page.

Being selfish, I am glad this gives me the pleasure of reading all the great things people have and do say.  Plus I can draw whatever I feel like that day, whether it's people, animals, landscapes, skies, etc.  The challenge will kind of be finding the right quote to marry with the drawing and can be encouraging, motivational or just funny.  

I have a lot of things in sketch books that I don't
really look at or use, so figure I can recycle those old drawings too.  Also this lets me expand on the 30 day challenge idea in that I can produce a small work daily in multiple mediums.  I can continue to combine media as in the little chinchilla here, it's pan pastel and colored pencil.  (Yes I know they are really gray/silver, but in my world they can be any color).  Also this will force me to learn to use canva.com.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and hope you choose to follow this project on FB.


Helen said…
Good idea. I like it.
I also love that you said, "don't think I'm "volunteer" material" because I think that fits me too. But, I felt guilty for feeling that way. Knowing I'm going to be retiring at the end of the school year, people often say, "Oh, you can volunteer!" And I politely not and say, "Hmmm... we'll see!" while thinking, "Um, no." Whew! I thought I might be the only person in the world who felt that way! ha ha ha
Joan Tavolott said…
I love the idea of combining your work with quotes. Both of these are great. I'm going to hop over to FB to make sure I friend you while I remember.
hmuxo said…
Daily drawings is such a good practice which I'm afraid I don't do!!! Love these two paintings Nelvia... (Joan is amazing with her daily work!)
Nelvia said…
Well obviously I am not with the program cause it's taken me 3+ years to decide I needed to give back in some way. We all do what we can and you now how powerful words are, you just never know who you will touch. You will figure something out. I am glad too I am not alone!! Thanks for sharing. I am sure you are a sister of my heart!!
Nelvia said…
Hi Joan, thanks for liking the idea. Some of my ideas are pretty screwy so I am never sure if it is really going to work. You, my friend, have inspired me to draw again daily with your wonderful sketches. I think I have you working now in my auto feed - we'll see. Still have to go back through the ones I missed. Thanks for friending.
Nelvia said…
You know Hilda, I am so undisciplined compared to what I used to be when younger. But if you can't find 15-30 minutes to do something fun and creative I think I am in pretty bad shape. I guess really since I am putting color on it doesn't really qualify as drawing?
A super idea Nelvia although I think finding the right quotes would take quite some time. These two are great, especially the chinchilla. I am going over to FB to check that I have liked your page and to put it in 'see first' mode. Have a great day.
Jane said…
You will do great ! Unfortunately I can't follow your work as I am not on FB, but I love the text going with the Chinchilla painting, made me smile :-)))
Janet Bradish said…
Love this idea and you are off to a good start. Love the chinchilla - especially the colour!! I have some pan pastels but they sure don't work as good as yours! Look forward to seeing more! Have a great weekend

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