The Challenge acrylic buffalo WIP

Well today was about adding color and modeling the face a bit more.  Actually what isn't showing up here and I guess will try to photo it in more sunlight is a lot of purple and teal colors along with the reddish brown tones.  They say that you can use any color as long as the values are right, and I am trying to make his darker tones colorful and not just straight black.  Also there is a lot of blurring of dark tones in his head/chest/foreleg area and I am trying to differentiate the areas by different dark values.  One area I am struggling with is his beard, might need to work a few lighter colors into it around the edge to  make it stand out a bit more.

I seem to be reworking a lot of the same areas and am still not sure if I like where the left eye is positioned, there is a slight tilt to the head but I am not sure I captured it correctly.  Your thoughts?

I keep trying to find the bolder colors and they just aren't popping.  I think tomorrow I am going to have to try to put in the lighter colors on the back and see where that leaves us before I continue to add additional colors into the head.

When you look at the pic on the computer and get a bit detached I think I will lighten up the horns again.  I have had them lighter and darker several times now and keep changing it up, it just doesn't feel right quite yet.

Thanks for stopping by.


hmuxo said…
This is looking real good Nelvia! I can't wit to see your next post!!! I took many reference photos of Buffalos while visiting Yellowstone and I did try to paint came out terrible and said I was going to try have inspired after a few portraits that I need to finish maybe I'll try again!!!!
Sheila said…
I think both eyes are perfect. He looks real to me. A little more light in the horns might be good. And in the beard as well. Really looking good Nelvia!! :)
Looking Good Nelvia! The angle of the head has been bothering me from the start and today I decided that it is the nose. the left side of the nose seems to be sharper and more defined than the right side as if you are looking at it straight on instead of to the side. Not knowing your reference I am not sure of my reasoning but have a look and see what you think. Such a challenge!

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