Scardy Cat

                                                                In The Shadows

No the title isn't the name of this picture, it is a name for me!!  Well today's philosophical question is does anyone else ever get scared of their painting.  It might not be cool to tell how insecure one is, but I got to tell someone.  As you know I am trying new things and painting in a different direction and while I have built some confidence in doing the performers series, when I am trying to apply it elsewhere, it just is scary.  Talk about being in the dark.  I am finding that I am thinking a lot, maybe over thinking, while I am painting, not just letting go like I did in some of the other paintings.    And I know, deep down I am afraid it won't turn out.  It is just a piece of board - it shouldn't rattle me if it doesn't turn out.  Most paintings don't and that is how you grow and learn.  But now, I find I want them all to turn out, especially the experimental ones.

I couldn't really get motivated to paint, hard time finding a subject , etc, etc.   Finally found this reference from Nancy Winn at PMP.  So it was a fight with this painting, right from the beginning, started with the background.  I wanted to show this cat, lying in the shadows so you only had some ambient light.  So while there is a lot of color in this piece I am finding, at least before I varnish it, it is coming out really dark and not showing all the color.  But since it's night you want dar, right?  But in order to have form you have to have some lights, so this was an interesting challenge.

Well I am starting to see some Denmark views again, nothing ridiculous like the last time, but got to watch it and maybe will have to go dark again.  I'm just a little guy, hope they leave me alone.  Ok, we got a cold snap here and now it's indoor work, so off to wash carpets - oh joy.  How can two people without kids, cats or dogs be so darn dirty??  Now that's a philosophical question!!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a super week.


Beautiful, I love the contrast between the light and the dark.
Joan Tavolott said…
I think you nailed this with a perfect amount of light. It is hard to take a leap and do something different. I love how you are willing to.

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