The Fan mixed media portrait

The Fan
Well decided I had enough of watercolor and wanted to do something that was mixed media.   I bought quite a few small canvas at the dollar store and thought I would try to put something on them.   I don't often work with canvas but it offers a great excuse to haul out lots of supplies and give them a try.  

For this though I started with an acrylic old pour small canvas for the background and drew the girl's face on with graphite.  I added gelato color to the girls face and wish I didn't, but next time....   Since I was unhappy with the result I ended up overworking it in the end.   Got to remember that at times "less is more"

I added in dabs of acrylics, gelllatos, markers, posca pen, added drips, pastel, etc.   Kind of whatever I could lay my hands on or think of.  I fashioned the fan out of a paper doily (kind of like a stencil) and brush pen.   

While not the end result I thought I'd see I did learn a lot and know some things I will do in a different manner next time!!

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Helen said…
I love this color combination.
Nelvia said…
Yes I thbink they all work together very well too
Joan Tavolott said…
Love the colors and the fan! Nice combination of materials. You made them look good together. What are gelatos? I assume they are something with gel ink.
carol edan said…
Mysterious! Great colors and textures!
Sheila said…
I love it Nelvia! Love the 3D flowers, the look in her eyes. He skin looks great to me ;) I like the greens, they are lively and fresh :)
hmuxo said…
Beautiful greens..., nice painting Nelvia!!!!
If nothing else it sounds like you had fun. I think you did a nice job on the face and I like the composition - very unusual.

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