Cumbrian Hills pastel landscape

                                                              Cumbrian Hills
Back trying another landscape.  I saw Sandie Bell put this on PMP last week and knew that I just had to give it a try.  All those wonderful and colorful greens - colors I don't usually have much cause to use.  Plus the majesty of this place, this is part of her lake district series.
This is painted on a bright pinky-purple Artagain, yes, I said pink.  It was the closest thing I had to red to help make the greens pop and you can see it shining through in several places, especially in the lighter clouds.    The majority of this painting is done with pan pastels and the final touches are with traditional sticks and a dark green colored pencil to help define the trees a bit more.
If this keeps up I might actually start to like landscapes.  But seriously, when you see someone capture nature in all its splendid beauty how can you not love it.  Sandie does such a wonderful job shooting these landscapes you just got to give it a try.
Thanks much for stopping by and hope you are having a super week.


Joan Tavolott said…
This is really lovely!!! I love the subtle changes in color in the hills and grasses. I think the pink was a good choice. Like red it did make the greens pop. Be may become addicted to landscapes.
Unknown said…
looks great - amazed how you handle pastels - not good for me.
Looks good Nelvia. My art club is hosting a workshop this month with a local pastel artist Carol Schloss - the workshop is only on light and each of us is working in our own medium, she brought in some of her work. I really admire those of you who work with pastel which I consider on of the hardest media to work with - good going girl!
Sheila said…
WOW! Love the light, beautiful scene :)

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