Galactic Lion acrylic lion portrait

                                                                         Galactic Lion

Well since I haven't been in painting shape, we decided to take trip to Birmingham, AL.  It is a pleasant drive, even though the roads leave a lot to be desired, lots of construction,  miles barreled off with nothing much getting done and still not a great road in  many spots to ride on.  But it is a short drive and we really enjoy both their zoo and botanical garden, as well as several restaurants.  It is much easier to navigate there than Atlanta traffic.

While at the zoo, we hit a cooler day and the lions, who sleep or rest about 21 hours a day, were sort of awake.   The male, I think his name is Kwanzaa, who was sprawled out decided to sit up and we walked right up to the window separating us, he didn't react, so I think he was asleep with his eyes open.  Anyway he is a majestic site.   Even their tiger was up and pacing about and he came right to the window as well, so got some nice shots of him, but nothing as full faced as this tiger.

Once I uploaded my pics I wanted to play a bit so I thought I would do an easy background and add him in.  Thought it would be different to not entirely paint him, but again work on getting him kind of transparent and put him in a galactic background.  I enjoy splattering those stars and the more I practice the better I can control them.  This time I used two brushes rather than a toothbrush.

Got to go through the week until the stitches come out on Friday, but am going to try to start some more pictures to work on this week.
Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


hmuxo said…
SO magical, Nelvia!!!! You did such a beautiful job on him.... I missed your last post....
I hope you're feeling better.... Getting cut by a pallet knife has to be so unpleasant and I'm sorry that it happened!!!
Sheila said…
This is really cool. Spiritual, and subtle. Nice :)
Helen said…
You are an artist with an ever-changing style. This is magnificent. So few defined lines, yet the lion is there completely.
WOW what a wonderful job you did on this piece Nelvia. I hope you hand is doing okay. - take care.
Jane said…
Gorgeous Nelvia, and love how you accentuated the features with white contouring !
Joan Tavolott said…
Glad to see your injury didn't stop you. Love the way you merged the galactic sky and the beautiful transparent lion head. The wispiness of his fur is perfect!

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