Spanish Guitar acrylic portrait street performer

                                                                     Spanish Guitar

Well first off I want to thank Carla and Stephen for giving me the encouragement and support to get this piece brought to completion.   Been fighting with it for over a week now and certainly totally repainted the background guitar at least four times.

I am sure glad that acrylic is so flexible and can go light over dark and dark over light so many times, doing that also contributed to giving the guitar different wood tone effects.  After changing the size, shape, where the center hole hit, etc. so many times before I  thought it looked like correct proportions and composition I was ready to set it aside for a while.

But, talked with one of my friends in Canda, Carla and hubby, Steve, from PMP, we talk via FaceTime frequently, they gave me the encouragement to realize I was on the right path.  Isn't it funny that things I thought would be the most difficult, the face and hands ended up coming together quickly.  I am really enjoying doing these dabs and dos that somehow create the semi-realistic look.  Not as much action here but I think the diagonals really help give this some life.   Also been listening to Spanish guitar music and think that the scarf around his neck and the hair do really pegs him as European.

Thanks much for taking a look.


Another winner Nelvia , nicely done.
Sheila said…
Well done Nelvia! My father plays, had a band in high school. His brother still performs in public. And they play at every family get together :) This brings those memories to life :)
Very cool Nelvia. I too like the diagonal but I wonder if the white around the centre hole is a bit too bright. That kept distracting me from the musician. BTW. I also like the sense of movement in his hand. Well done!
hmuxo said…
Another wonderful piece Nelvia. So unique! I love the guitar in the back!!!
Nelvia said…
Thanks Caroline, this doesn't have the same movement as the others but I do like his expression
Nelvia said…
Music is a wonderful thing and like art am sure it keeps his mind and spirit young.
Nelvia said…
I don't disagree with the value of the white and will trying toning it down a bit.
Nelvia said…
Thanks Hilda, I sure struggled with that guitar but I can draw one in my sleep now

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