Rumba acrylic portrait of dancers

Well been a busy week.  We had a few cooler days and I took advantage of them to get the garden final trim, pine straw spread, weeds sprayed/pulled and generally ready to be a closed garden for the season.  Yes, we are supposed to get some effects from yet another hurricane - the second impact in 6-8 weeks.  This time supposed to be less rain and wind and rain.  Since we need the rain, please bring it on.

I have been asked how many of these am I going to do, and still have about 8-10 in the planning stages.  Anyway I have a lot of ideas running around in my mind and had a completely different background planned for this.  But I really like this energetic and sexy dance, the rumba, and felt it needed a more robust background.  So I have the spotlights shooting down all kinds of gorgeous colors and lots of brushwork and dry brush smears in this background.   Have to admit that all the hands, the girl's upside down head angle (particularly the nose) gave me a bit of pause but maybe it really is easier to draw without preconceived ideas.   I do like how the floor shows all the light reflections and will probably do this again using the background I originally thought about, just because it is totally unexpected.

Thanks much for stopping by.


Keep them coming Nelvia , they have all been wonderful.
Joan Tavolott said…
I love the colors in the background and how you used lighter blues around the figure. I have tried sketching people laying down on the beach and it is difficult to sketch their faces from another angle. You did well on her face. This is really beautiful!!!
Helen said…
I think my favorite part is the turquoise that's in the background behind them... like the opposite of a shadow... if that's a thing.
Sheila said…
I like how how they almost disappear against the background. Helps create the illusion of flashing lights :)
hmuxo said…
I've been catching up with all my friends here since I've been on vacation and this one is another winner. The motion is wonderful!
Nelvia said…
Thanks Caroline, it is such fun to just let it go and see what happens on this series.
Nelvia said…
I think the purple, ult blue, teal and magenta has become my favorite colors together and Know what am using a lot of those in each of these pictures. Maybe that is good do as it ties it together as the series. Yes for the hands and arms it just really have to let go of what it think it should be and just draw shapes.
Nelvia said…
I wanted the turquoise to be the bright light and am glad it reads that way. I wasn't sure the circles on the top right would read as spot lights. Love the ornaments.
Nelvia said…
I go back and forth on these busy backgrounds, does it add or detract from the subject. But I do like the movement it adds and the energy. In some ways I think it makes you really focus on the subjects and really see them. Ow I am rationalizing!!!
Nelvia said…
Awe thank you Hilda, I have to say that all my art buddies like this series, not so sure about the real world. Might put these together and try prints rather than sell,originals. I want to keep,these for my enjoyment.
Jane said…
Love the busy background that accentuates the energy and movement of the dancers. Another great work !
This is just WOW! It is easy to imagine the lights moving and flashing with the rhythm of the music and the dancers. Well done Nelvia!

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