Running Horse - Spirit Series

Here is an update on my painting Running Horse.  We are having another gray rainy day, after such a nice little taste of Spring, so I am indoors and can't get a really good shot.  

I learned a lot on this painting - like I got a lot more to learn.  Painted the Indian's hair yesterday and let it dry overnight, but when it is damp/rainy paint dries a whole lot slower - hmmmm, duh!!  Oh yeah, and white seems to dry the slowest.   So when I did the Liquin glaze, I got smear and then eventually it took off the white hairs, so I had to do some repainting on the Indian but I think I do like the stronger color. 

I used a blue/black Liquin glaze covering the original acrylic background (what a learning experience as it tends to streak and really shows stop and start brush strokes).   It is very reflective, so some of the background variation you see really isn't there. 

                                                            HELP  PLEASE!!
However I think I'd like some variation.  I am just not sure what to do at this point so am going to stop, let it dry/rest on my board for a few days and then maybe I will know what to do next.  Thinking I might make it lighter around the just horse for emphasis to make it be the main focal point.  Does this read as one or two separate images to you?  Another thing I am not sure how or if I need to ground the horse.  Please feel free to chime in here and give me suggestions as it would be much appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you will have a wonderful weekend!


hmuxo said…
I love how its developing Nelvia... as far as grounding the horse...maybe some dirt flying around making it look like he's running fast. ?? again only my opinion! it looks amazing already.
renate said…
Hi Sweetie:) Wow, such a great choise the way you did the Indian! You know that running horse is a beautiful name for a Indian. The horse is perfect, nothing to change there. The idea Hilde gave is a wonderful idea! Maybe you should try it first on a paper to know were the flying dirt has to be placed! You doing great Nelvia. Much respect!! Big hugs:)xxx
This is looking wonderful,
I think the dirt idea is great or some mist to tie it in with your Indian. You could always lay a piece of glass over the painting and paint a few different things to see what works best for you.
Have fun.
Nelvia said…
Thank you Hilda for the dirt Idea and especially using the glass before you commit. Got a couple of ideas but not sure just yet. Will repost when I have committed or,should be committed whichever is most correct at the time.
Nelvia said…
Yes, I oike the name toe and am researching other Chief names to,use fr some of the other spirit painting to g I have in my head. I am glad you like the results, but maybe next time it will be all in color.
Nelvia said…
Hi C, thanks for taking a look. I like staying in the mist range for,whatever the tie together will be. Got a couple of things to check out. Who knew finishing would be harder than finally after all these years getting started.

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