Beauty WIP - She Needs A Name - Help Please

Here is today's update on Beauty.  I can't think of another good name for her - so, if someone has an idea please let me know.  I am slowly working my way through the face concentrating now on the right side which is mostly shadows and will be darker in spots. 
Again the secret to this process is to put light layers and then work the softer pencil layers back into the previous layers by using your harder leads, just like a blender.  I have also added some color to her hair and cheek tones, again though, it is very subtle.  Next think I will work on is the shoulder and back leaving the hair to the right side of the face for last as I believe that will be the most intensive and difficult part for me.  Somehow that hair has to be one long sweeping stroke to look right. 
Also it isn't too early to start to worry if I am going to need a background.  In the reference piece it is a solid black.  Talk about strange things as I wrote this sentence I glanced around at the reference piece and noticed that there is another shoulder back in the shadows - oops!!!!  Never saw it until this moment, duh.  Maybe that will be enough so that I don't have to do the background??
Thanks for stopping by and again, if you can think of a good title for this piece I'd appreciate any suggestions.


All I can say is wow,you are so talented.
hmuxo said…
It's coming along beautifully, Nelvia. I love how you work with graphite pencils and I'm enjoying the process.
Nelvia said…
Thank you so much C, I am pretty shocked too how she is coming out, especially when learning something new. Think I am just lucky at this point!
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, she is progressing, yes. I wish I could take the feel and touch with pencils, pastels or CP and transfer it to the brushes. But seem to still have a bit of a block doing that. But getting antsy to do something in acrylic after this one, so brushes here I come.

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