Beauty WIP

Well already it is getting late on Sunday afternoon so thought I better post the update.  Since I am in the middle of a family crisis it has been a blessing to have something to work on while I stay close to the phone.  Am happy that I got the background in, no matter though what I do I can't seem to get it even, more studying on that for the next time.  Also got the foremost shoulder in as well, might still need to tweak the darks shadows a bit darker to give more enhanced form.
Needed to play with the picture a bit to try to get it closer to real life, but still the subtle color doesn't really come through, might try scanning this once to see if that will improve picking up the gradiations and color parts.
I still have the dreaded hair and not sure if I will start that this afternoon or not.  I am always glad to post these as I immediately see little tweaks that I want to make and so was able to do those while fresh in my mind.  Hoping that there will only be 1-2 more sessions on this and then I will be able to call it done.  Have several other paintings that are calling to me to get started on.


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