DAY 25 Retro ATCs

1950s phone

1970s Disco Queen

Day 25 For the Art Sherpa ATC club this month's theme was something retro from 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s.  Boy have people really been having fun with this one.  It always amazes me how much info you can get onto a 2.5"x3.5" card.

Anyway mine were hard to choose from because some of the people really got started earlier (yes, I have been procrastinating) and took some of the great ones.  But am still seeing people post things that are just incredible and bring back lots of memories - from lava lamps to VW beetles and vans, you name it.  I ended up with the Disco Queen (all that hair and bell bottoms) in colored pencil  and ball and a 1950's style telephone done with markers.  Will have to get them in the mail tomorrow.  

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Nelvia said…
I love doing the ATCs because you end up doing things you would never normally do
Joan Tavolott said…
These are so fun! Are there set reference photos that you use? I love the disco queen...brings back lots of memories, but then so does the rotary dial phone.
carol edan said…
Atc's never cease to amaze me! Really miss that phone!
Nelvia said…
I did google to see if I could find something to use as a reference. For the disco queen I then added the ball and background, but I tried to follow the reflections/shadows on the phone pretty close and drew it negatively.
Nelvia said…
You learn so much playing with them, and I find that I do subjects I would never normally do or try otherwise. It is small so usually it takes a bit less time, but they can get pretty involved. I belong to an exchange group and I am always amazed what people produce - oh their imaginations and creativity puts me to shame.
Memories indeed! I am amazed at what you managed to get on such a small piece - you will be doing miniatures next - lol. Great job Nelvia!
Sheila said…
OK, time to try painting on a penny. LOL :) They would be amazing. These are so fun and I am old enough to say that I do remember these things, LOL hahaha :)

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