Selkie's Song

Selkie's Song
This piece originated with Cinnamon Clooney, The Art Sherpa.  She has what she calls an art quest and does a different theme each year.   For this year it was mermaid, fairies, etc. and she licensed the most beautiful reference pieces.  I always learn something when I watch her videos, even though I don't always like the style she ends up with.  She basically expands my mind's ideas.

Since I try hard any more not to copy, although I have learned much through the years doing just that, my Selkie's story deviated from Cinnamons.  First Selkie folk is Scottish lore, their version of a seal that can shape change into human form.  If you have the seal hide the person is indebted to you, until they find their seal skin and then most leave hearth and home and head back to sea.  Some say they are mermaids, sirens, mermen or mermen, meows, etc.

I decided to put my selkie into the night, on a cliff, high above the sea, but still she hears the call while she sings her song into the night.  What really caught my eye on this was the dress.  I just loved the flowing fabric.

Hope you can hear her song and thanks much for stopping by.


Helen said…
Love the mood you've created. The flow of the dress is fabulous!
Sheila said…
The fabric is perfect Nelvia. This piece is perfect. I absolutely love how you have made it feel as if the stars are all around her. I see them in 3D. Howdid you do that? I keep looking again to see if I can figure it out. ;)
hmuxo said…
I love the color and looseness of the piece!!!!
Nelvia said…
Thank Helen, the dress is what made me want to paint this piece. The original was done in beiges but I really like the blues. I kind of stepped it up with the turquoise. I think that always looks great again black and dark blues.
Nelvia said…
I really loved the flow of the dress. I like doing draping of fabric, and this really called out to me. I did the stars differently than I have in my galaxy paintings. I took, using transparent white and blender with a little blue and put in a layer. Then came back with just a small point and put in some brighter white and then another layer of the transparent white/blue. So rather than splattered these stars were all handmade.
Nelvia said…
I am glad to say it is getting easier to do loose. Might now be hard to go back and do really detailed paintings again. I will have to try a face soon to see if I lost that in my quest to be loose.
This is absolutely fabulous! I love everything about it Nelvia - PERFECT!
carol edan said…
Love the mood you have created here!

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