30 in 30 Challenge #6 - Norma's Eye
Norma's Eye
Pastel/Sanded Paper (terracotta)
Ok, it is kind of a strange subject, but I just love to do eyes, so.... Thanks to AinslieG at Paint My Photo for her reference photo of her first horse. While not a horse person I think their eyes really are the windows to what they are thinking, plotting or scheming to do to us.
Oh wow, just got an email from the owner/photographer and she humbles me:
"I am all teary! You have captured her eye perfectly. That is her soul coming through. Wow. I am really very touched and feel emotional (in a good way!). I love it. :)" For an artist, it just can't get any better than that.
Congratulations to Alexander as you guessed a horse, and thanks to Danielle for taking a guess. This was on my "how good is your imagination" earlier post.
This is on the dreaded sanded paper, again I can't get over how it eats the pastel and how it rides on the surface of the paper. I am going to have to figure out a way to blend in some of this reside so it doesn't live in my studio air for days on end. My eye is getting a bit more accustomed to seeing texture and my strokes so keep on it until it seems more normal. Have to admit on backgroun on paper on Kingfisher blending was such a nice thing.
Thanks much for stopping by (ah finally got sun yesterday and today, but now it is COLD) and hope your week is going great.