Style Day 3 - 30 in 30 challenge

Well finally decided on what I want my goal/theme to be for this 30 day challenge, going to try to keep it to minimal strokes, no matter if it is a drawing or painting.  Actually I have a book on John Singer Sargent drawings and am thinking you will see a lot of them, as he is the master of making a stoke count.  This will also expand my working with the Old Masters as well. 
Then will try to expand on that goal/theme by working on becoming  a  more accurate measuring kind of girl.  Accurate measurements are so necessary in both figures and portraits.  So that will incorporate my Bargue and Andrew Loomis work as well.
 This picture however is fashion, I used to sew a lot but never really drew fashion but like it and while this isn't cutting edge fashion right now I really like the lines in this piece.  Remember hats - wow, nobody wears them now but the guys to cover their bald heads (sorry, the devil made me say that!)
Just so you don't think I am totally slacking I am also working on learning to mix color, working through a new book by Arthur Stern.  This has 22 still life projects that while they look simple, think again.  You can do each of them a bazillion times and still learn something new so I think you never really get done with this book.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look, have a great day.


My word but you have a lot planned to work on. Minimal, measuring and color - you are going to be busy. I really like your drawing for today - well done!

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