30 Day Challenge - Day 16 - Mugshot 16


                                                         Mugshot 16   4"x4"
Not sure how many more of these mugshots I will get done this month as I am now moving into the busy part of the month where I will have limited time and uploading issues.  So I am happy to say that I feel I am leaving on a higher note than when I began.  Of course, that is the object of doing these challenges, to focus and hope to see some improvement.  I have to admit it made me feel a bit weird using these folks given their situations, but I think I will continue to do them just to stay in practice.  You just can't imagine the unlimited expressions,  shapes, variety of hair colors/dos that you can find all in one place.  I think too once I get more comfortable I can throw caution to the winds and really have some fun with these.

This lady exhibits a pretty common skin tone for many darker skinned Americans.  Her skin tones lean towards browns and yellows as opposed to the purples and blues for many African skin tones.  I used a lot of raw umber and raw sienna in her facial tones.  And surprisingly I was able to use my darker pinkish flesh tone for some of the lighter values.

Thanks much for stopping by following me on this challenges journey.    Special thanks to Val and Hilda for supporting me with comments on so many days - it is much appreciated.


The skin tone on this is super, Nelvia and is balanced so well with the blue background. I am glad if any thing I wrote helped and look forward to seeing more people shots in the future.

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