Day 2 30 Day Challenge - Golden & True Confessions

Well I am working small again this challenge so these will take me about 1-2 hours.  For this dog I used the books example, working directions for colored pencil.  It does and doesn't translate all that well.  I have to change up the number of layers because of the support I am using (left a bit of the original paper color at the top, that pink/violet).  This is on Artagain paper - I like it as it is really smooth but I think because it is recycled paper does hold a decent amount of layers before you start to slip and slide.  I think I will try one where I actually will spray with fixative as I haven't used that in my process, but I know many do.  But I did try to use all of the colors (except the eye as mine are so small) and found a couple of coat color surprises that I wouldn't have chosen:  peach and mineral orange.

I also wanted to mention that like color pencil you can build up pretty good darks using multiple layers - here I wanted a smooth background and used several layers of pan pastels - ah, they are so lovely!!  TIP:  Begin working background early in the process.  This gives a good framework for the subject.  Especially complete the background surrounding the focal point.

And, isn't that the purpose of working through this book now, to learn what I didn't know even if I am not using the exact technique.  True Confession:  I have lots of books that I have skimmed/paged through, haven't really read the details - and so really haven't gotten the essence of the book.   So changing that, at least for the next days to learn and slog through the details.   That, to me, is the beauty of working in multiple types of media - whatever you learn in one can be applied to another.

Thanks much for stopping by and hope you are having a super day.


Joan Tavolott said…
Love your shading on his fur. The subtle changes of color look great!
This piece is great Nelvia. I was thinking the same thing about all my books just the other day - I have to start making use of them because learning is always a good thing. A good resolution for the new year?
Nelvia said…
I am experimenting more with color and want to get off the beaten path a bit more - surprising what colors you don't think would ever work, do.
Nelvia said…
I always think now when I want to buy a new book, do I really need it? Will I really read it - I am trying!! So much good info if I just took the time.

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