Day 3 30 Day Challenge - Sigh!!

The title comes from the look I think he is giving us.  Yes, got to be purely male with that exasperated look - I think, since this is my story that I asked him to read the directions before assembly....   I think this is a Bernese Mountain Dog, not sure because the nose was the focus of this piece when I was working from the book.  I must admit that I didn't really pay that much attention to the specific colors and application of color pencils on this piece, just more or less winged it because I felt the colors were similar to what I had used in the last piece.  Probably is a bit more black starting in the chest area if I were to use another reference piece.  Still working on the pink-violet Artagain paper.

TIP:  Whenever working on lips, gums, noses or tongues, be sure to create moistness by having specks/highlights of white.  This gives the viewer the impression of a wet spot.

Thanks much for stopping by.


Helen said…
Great title... Yes, any male asked to read directions would have that look.
Joan Tavolott said…
Love the title and the shading on the white part of his fur. Great tip about the nose!
hmuxo said…
Excellent work Nelvia!!!! Love his eyes!!!!
This would have been easier if it were bigger - touch job on a small space. However, It looks like you are getting the hang of the hair. Good job Nelvia.
Nelvia said…
Ah, I see you have one in your life too!! I get such a kick out of animals, each has their own unique personality, even within same types, and they can get just the best expressions. Boy, we are lucky they don't talk.
Nelvia said…
Glad you liked the tip, I find them if I ever take the time to read all the books I have!!! Hmmm is that the same as not reading the directions? Put more color in my life, and white gives the perfect excuse.
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, so much appreciate all your support. Yes on this guy I got the eyes again, don't always make that happen. They certainly tell a lot of the story if you nail them.
Nelvia said…
Sometimes I like the smaller, well certainly at challenge because I can do it in one day, but at other times it does make it more difficult. But hoping if I can do it small it will carry over.

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