Day 16 30 Day Challenge Bulldog Black/White Study

As I said I have frittered away the lead that I had so am now down to trying to do some quick things to get caught up and try to get ahead a bit.  So the next days are hurried only a small amount of time each, maybe less than hour each on this one and tomorrow landscape.

I always learn something by doing black/white/gray studies.  Tonal or value paintings are pretty much what I use for one of my beginning steps.  Like the Old Masters I try to find the darkest darks, lightest lights and then the mid tones.  I might try to do him again but in color but just might try doing them in glazes over the top of the grisaille that I have done here.   Will be a bit difficult because the paper I am using will probably buckle but maybe if I keep it a drier wash it will work for me.  Yessss, then I might be able to get another free day!!

One of the things about the bull dogs is that they have lots of wrinkles and in the acrylics I find that harder to do, to get the softer edges.  You almost do have to use multiple brushes:  1 with the color and 1 that is moist that can be used as the blender.  Yes, I do have the interactive acrylics with the slow dryer medium but I really haven't gotten in to using that as much as I should since that is one of the main attributes to the interactive.    Mainly haven't because the sprayer they sent me doesn't work - and also more practical is that I have quite a few other acrylics that I want to use up and then rebuy in the interactive.

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Very wonderful painting !!!
Joan Tavolott said…
Nice study in grey and black!!! I would be interested in seeing how it looks with the color on top of the grisaille.
Nelvia said…
Thanks much for stopping by. I love your buildings, I just have to sigh as that is another thing I can't do very well. Love those flamingos.
Nelvia said…
Joan, you will get your wish, I couldn't stand it so added color this afternoon, will be on the 19th. I show them together as I think that is a really great comparison. Looks so different.
hmuxo said…
SO sweet Nelvia! Awesome black and white study..(love his face!)
He is so cute and I think you have done a great job on him. I often paint with two brushes in hand for both watercolour and acrylics - the trick is to not mix them up - lol. Have a great day!
Nelvia said…
I definitely am going to try to make myself keep up with these black/white studies. Makes going to color so much easier. Plus I really like the magic when the color goes on and something comes to life other than black and white.
Nelvia said…
I have seen people paint with even more than 2 brushes but I would definitely get mixed up then.

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