Day 17 30 Day Challenge Creek pastel

Well unfortunately I think this is what people think they are going to get when they think pastel.  This painting is on a darker brown cardstock and pan pastels.  While they covered everything really shows up very light against that dark background.   The cardstock can't take that many layers so.....
Anyway it is sort of a semi-abstract landscape and kind of out of my imagination.    Again I am not talking about this taking an inordinate amount of time.

Since we have had big winds here I don't know how, but air flow I guess, has blessed me with everyone's leaves.  So out raking the yard and using my blower/vacuum to suck them up and put them in the garden for mulch and hoping that helps my poor grass breathe a little easier.  But for me I have to break it into several days work as the raking and sucking take their toll.  Yep, my old age is beginning to rear it's ugly head.

Anyway thanks much for taking a look and hope you are having a great day.


Joan Tavolott said…
Nice softness to this!! I have a very hard time doing things from my imagination...thus the reason I go out painting/sketching so often. lol Hope you get all the raking done before more leaves blow your way.
Sheila said…
Love the softness, very soothing. Love how the light is catching on the rocks. I can hear the trickle of the water :)
Unknown said…
Artists are their on worst critics. The softness is peaceful and pleasing. I like it. Take a riding lawmower, mulch the leaves then bag um - easier than raking.
Nelvia said…
Oh yeah, easier, but not got. But problem with lawnmower is leaves are still to wet and don't come up. But got it all done!!
Too bad the paper won't take any more pastel because this scene has potential. I really like the work you have done on the rocks but the whole thing looks kind of misty and soft. There is always something to do around the house and yard, Nelvia but it could be worse. we have another 5 to 6 inches of snow so guess what I will be doing today.
Nelvia said…
I got the raking done before more rain, but the leaves will always blow, I guess. I too don't have a real strong imagination and usually have to have something to get me started.
Nelvia said…
That is my favorite part of walking in the woods by a stream, listening to the music of the water. Thanks Sheila for stopping by.
Nelvia said…
Going to try it again to see if I can get deeper colors.

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